Painting Aluminum Siding
So you have actually bought an old house from a friend and found its painted aluminum siding has actually already faded. Your concern now is, can the aluminum siding be repainted? Well, it can and there's always a excellent painting alternative for you to think about.
Painting aluminum siding is however an simple job. It can be completed in just a matter of hours. Nevertheless, although that basic, there are still some crucial actions to follow when painting aluminum siding. A few of these steps are discussed below.
# 1 Surface Preparation
Surface area preparation simply implies cleaning the aluminum siding. This should be taken prior to you blend and use your paint guide. But, how do you get your aluminum siding tidy? Well, it's as easy as pie. Simply use a cleaner specially developed for your aluminum siding. You can even utilize soap for it. Apply the cleaner and wash the surface area completely to eliminate all the residues. If the surface area needs to be scrub, then do it by using a pole sander. Spray the sander to the detergent and after that scrub.
In this procedure, it is common to see old paint washing off. Well, note that this is just natural, so don't be alarmed. Rather, simply continue on washing your aluminum siding. Avoid damages if possible.
# 2 Dry the Surface
Before painting aluminum siding, enable the siding initially to dry for about numerous days. This is a excellent way of guaranteeing that your siding will be capable of handling new paints for long years.
# 3 Apply the Primer
So you've got your best primer. Now, attempt using it to the surface area of the siding. Have it tinted to about one half strength of the color of the surface paint you are thinking about. However, if your siding is already painted with a latex paint and you are just repainting it, there's no need for you to use a primer coat. You can just utilize it if the condition of your siding is too bad. Now, if you want to apply a primer coat, select an alternative that is water based.
# 4 Apply Light Sanding
Before you apply your final finish coat, have the surface area used with a light sanding. Utilize a 150 grit sandpaper to do this. But, if you are simply using a latex coat to acrylic latex, then you might not need sanding simply for the reality that latex can handle latex well.
# 5 Apply a Finish Coat
When painting aluminum siding with the finish coat, apply the surface area within 2 days of using the paint primer. Remember not to apply the finish coat in direct sunshine for that may decrease the amount of time for the paint to stay on the surface area. Let the finish coat dry slowly for much better results. So far, the best time to use the finish coat when painting aluminum siding is throughout cool, however not windy days.